Building the New Home of GCR

Building a shop to our own specifications was such a unique opportunity, we wanted to remember as much about the time and process as we could. We asked Atlanta Media Producer Craig Carden to follow the progress from beginning to end. Throughout the spring and summer of 2015, Craig was a regular fixture at the site, capturing stills and high-definition video. Here's what he had to say about his work on the project:

"This was a bit of a departure from the work I usually do, but I quickly began to enjoy the creative challenges involved. At the earliest stages, the site was wide open; I could film from any angle, standing anywhere I wanted to. That started to change as the walls went up, and interior spaces were closed in. More and more, I found myself looking for ways to cover these new spaces that were entirely different from what I had done weeks, or even days previously. From one day to the next, I never knew what I would find at the site, or where I'd be shooting from. The 'improvisational' aspect of working on a site like this turned out to be really interesting."

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Open House Celebration

German Car Repair celebrated the Grand Opening of our brand new location on September 26, 2015, with an open house, door prizes, good food, and the great company of our loyal customers!